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World Hypertension Day Webinar

This event aims to highlight the challenges of hypertension management in Africa, the benefits and risks of using an Amlodipine/ARA II combination in controlling hypertension, and the journey of hypertensive patients, including their challenges and outcomes. It will feature three (3) outstanding Cardiologists in Sub-Saharan Africa facilitating and speaking on relevant topics. It will also feature a real-life patient experience, and engagement.






This will be a LIVE virtual event. Tuesday the 16th of May 2023 and Chaired by Dr. Benard Samia (President, Kenya Cardiac Society. Consultant Physician and Interventional Cardiologist, MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi Kenya). This event will be streamed live on this page.


Date: Tuesday 16th May 2023

Time: 1600 - 1720 GMT (4:00-5:20 pm Accra Local Time) 

Target Audience: Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants



Tuesday 16th May 2023 (VIRTUAL EVENT) 


4:00 - 4:05 pm: Welcoming Words Dr. Ardilles Adopo

4:05 - 4:10 pmIntroduction Dr. Benard Samia

4:10 - 4:30 pm: Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer. The Challenges in Africa. By Dr. Alfred Doku

4:30 - 4:45 pm: What to Expect from an Amlodipine/ARA II Combination in the Management of Hypertension. By Dr. Daniel Nduiga

4:45 - 4:55 pm: Hypertensive Patients Journey. The Challenges and Outcomes. By a Patient in Kenya

4:55 - 5:15 pm: Question, Answer and Discussion Session All

5:15 - 5:20 pm: Take Away Messages and Conclusion Dr. Benard Samia



Course Description

World Hypertension Day is an annual event that raises awareness about the importance of blood pressure control in preventing cardiovascular diseases. This year's event is under the theme; "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer." focusing on combatting low awareness rates worldwide, especially in low to middle-income areas, and accurate blood pressure measurement methods.

What you will learn

At the end of this webinar, participants will
1. Understand the importance of accurate blood pressure measurement in hypertension management.
2. Recognize the challenges of hypertension management in Africa and how they can be addressed.
3. Understand the benefits and risks of using an Amlodipine/ARA II combination in controlling hypertension.
4. Understand the journey of hypertensive patients, including their challenges and outcomes.
5. Learning about strategies for improving blood pressure control and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Lecture Sessions

  • LIVE EVENT: Tuesday 16th May 2023 @ 1600 GMT (4:00 pm) 1 hour 20 minutes


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About Facilitators

  • 1 Course on CES

Prof. Jamal Turkie

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  • 1 Course on CES

Prof. Ashraf Madkour

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  • 1 Course on CES

Prof. Mona Al-Ahmed

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