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Building Midwives Capacity In Respectful Maternal Care In Adolescent Sexual And Reproductive Health And Pre-Pregnancy Services

Accreditation Details

Valid From
1 Mar. 2022
Expiry Date
31 Dec. 2022
CPD Points
CPD Category
Category 2

Course Content


  1. Overview of adolescent health in Ghana
  • Definition of adolescence
  • Scope of adolescence health services
  • Adolescent Statistics and health profile
  1. Health needs of adolescents
  • Information and guidance (rights, sexuality, responsibilities, reproductive health
  • Information to health services
  • Services for protection
  • Counselling for informed choices
  • Life skills to withstand peer pressure
  1. Adolescent reproductive health issues
  • Sexuality education
  • STI including HIV
  • Gender issues (abuse, rape, early sexual activity, early pregnancy, early marriage)
  • Pregnancy (planned or unplanned)
  • Abortion
  • Family Planning
  1. Disrespectful care in adolescent health services
  2. The role of the midwife in dealing with disrespect and abuse
  3. Pre-pregnancy and RMC
  • Definition of pre-pregnancy/preconception
  • Importance of pre-pregnancy care
  • Component/package of pre-pregnancy
  • Pre –conception care and RMC
  • The role of the midwife (advocacy)


Instructional Strategies / Teaching-Learning Approaches

  1. PowerPoint presentation
  2. Questions and answers
  • Brainstorming
  1. Reflections
  2. Discussions


Assessment Strategies

  • Pre-test – 5 questions
  • Post-test -10 questions


Course Description

This course will provide knowledge and skills in adolescent health services and pre-pregnancy care in relation to respectful maternal care. It will discuss adolescence, health statistics and health issues as well as the components of pre-pregnancy services and identify key areas of disrespect in providing these services. It will then provide strategies in dealing with disrespect in the provision of these services and the role midwives play in ensuring the maintenance of dignity, privacy and avoidance of harm. The section will use questions and answers, brainstorming and group work or case scenario in ensuring knowledge and skill acquisition.

What you will learn

By the end of the course, each participant will be able to:
a. Define adolescent health services
b. Identify the health needs of adolescent girls
c. Brainstorm the key areas of disrespect in adolescent and pre-pregnancy health care
d. Discuss the pre-pregnancy services provided for women in our facilities
e. Identify the role of the midwife in preventing disrespect and abuse in the healthcare settings

By the end of the course participants will:
1. Understand utilization of knowledge on factors that influence adolescent health to empower adolescents to make decisions affecting their wellbeing
2. Know how to respectfully educate adolescent girls and young adult to make inform choices
1. Apply evidence-based practice in supporting adolescents to manage their sexuality issues
2. Apply knowledge of adolescent health problems and their needs to share health messages that will meet the needs of adolescent girls
3. Utilise the knowledge and skill in respectful maternity care to provide services that maintains the dignity and privacy of adolescent girls and women

Course Content

Lecture Sessions

  • Session 1
  • Session 2
  • Session 3
  • Session 4
  • Session 5


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Steps to Join Course

  • 1. Register or Login
  • 2. Confirm your email address by clicking a link from your email
  • 3. Choose course under your profession
  • 4. Click on Buy Now & Make Payments
  • 5. Find your new course under My Courses
  • 6. Click on course to see contents
  • 7. Complete all Sessions and Quizes
  • 8. Download your Certificate

About Facilitator

  • 1 Course on CES

Mabel Kissiwah Asafo


Deputy Director

Health Promotion Division - Ghana Health Service Headquarters

Mrs Mabel Kissiwah Asafo is a product of Kumasi Nurses Training College (1991, 1995), University of Ghana (2004), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (2008) and more recently, Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives where she pursued a specialisation programme in Women’s Health (2018).

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