Course Content
The presentation will be delivered in two sections.
Instructional Strategies / Teaching-Learning Approaches:
Assessment Strategies
This presentation seeks to address knowledge and skills gap on care of the puerperal woman by midwives/Mentees in relation to Respectful Maternity Care. This will go a long way to equip them with the right attitude coupled with professionalism and ethical consciousness, when rendering maternity services right from preconception to postnatal stage.
By the end of the course, each participant will be able to:
a. Define postpartum / puerperium and postnatal
b. Describe the stages of postpartum / puerperium
c. Outline the role of the midwife in immediate postpartum/ puerperium and postnatal period
d. Mention the sources of Disrespectful Maternity Care in immediate postpartum/puerperium and postnatal care
e. Explain the care to render to a woman in immediate postpartum/ puerperium and postnatal period
f. Describe the possible strategies that will ensure respectful maternity care.
Competencies to be derived
By the end of the course participants will:
1. Understand some basics of postpartum/ puerperium and postnatal
2. Know the stages of postpartum/ puerperium
1. Incorporate respectful maternity care in their role as midwives in immediate postpartum/ puerperium and postnatal period
2. Practice with ethical consciousness in the care of the mother in immediate postpartum / puerperium and postnatal
1. Participants will practice the core values of the profession having in mind the sources of disrespectful maternity care
2. Participants will practice with ethics reviving the nursing and midwifery profession.
BSc (Midwifery)
Midwifery Officer, Ward in Charge
SDA Hospital
Innocentia Rafiatu Yakubu is a competent and dedicated midwifery officer who is ready to deliver first-rate results in nursing, midwifery and within the scope of the nursing profession. She obtained great educational knowledge and experiences through her education in the field of nursing and midwifery.
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