Wilm Quentin is a Senior Research fellow at the Department of Health Care Management at TU Berlin and leading the department’s focal area “Global Health” and the German West-African Centre for Global Health and Pandemic Prevention (G-WAC). Wilm is associate editor of the Journal “Health Policy”, and coordinating the Health Reform Monitor section of the WHO European Observatory’s Health System and Policy Monitor network in that journal. He has been a consultant for international Organisations (WHO EURO, WHO AFRO, World Bank), national governments (e.g. Slovenia, Belgium) and other actors (national health insurance in Poland and South Korea). Wilm is teaching at the department on “Health Systems: Goals, Functions, Actors” and “Economic Evaluation”.
Wilm received the degree of “Dr. med” in 2010 and the German degree of “Privatdozent” (formal lecturer qualification) in 2017. He is a medical doctor and holds an MSc in Health Policy, Planning & Financing (HPPF) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the London School of Economics (LSE). He studied medicine and political sciences in Würzburg, Munich, Madrid, Leipzig and Marburg, where he graduated in 2007. He worked as a research assistant at the department of Health Economics of the University of Leipzig and was a visiting fellow at the Institut National de Santé Publique in Abidjan. He holds a Visiting Professor position at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana.
His research interests are in the areas of Health Systems, Payment Systems, Costing studies, Europe and Africa. Some of his publications are as follows:
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
1. Waitzberg R, Siegel M, Quentin W, Busse R, Greenberg D (2022). It probably worked: a Bayesian approach to evaluating the introduction of activity-based hospital payment in Israel. Isr J Health Policy Res;11(1):8.
2. Quentin W, Stephani V, Graisc K, Bilde L, Pettengill J, Touré M, Sikkut R, Geissler A (2022). How Denmark, England, Estonia, France, Germany, and the USA Pay for Variable, Specialized and Low Volume Care: A Cross-country Comparison of In-patient Payment Systems. Int J Health Polic Manag.
3. Waitzberg R, Gerkens S, Dimova A, Bryndová L, Vrangbæk K, Jervelund SS, Birk HO, Rajan S, Habicht T, Tynkkynen LK, Keskimäki I, Or Z, Gandré C, Winkelmann J, Ricciardi W, de Belvis AG, Poscia A, Morsella A, Slapšinskaitė A, Miščikienė L, Kroneman M, de Jong J, Tambor M, Sowada C, Scintee SG, Vladescu C, Albreht T, Bernal-Delgado E, Angulo-Pueyo E, Estupiñán-Romero F, Janlöv N, Mantwill S, Van Ginneken E, Quentin W (2021). Balancing financial incentives during COVID-19: A comparison of provider payment adjustments across 20 countries; Health Policy: S0168-8510(21)00249-9, doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2021.09.015
4. Chapman CS, Kern A, Laguecir A, Doyle G, Angelé-Halgand N, Hansen A, Hartmann FGH, Mateus C, Perego P, Winter V, Quentin W (2021): Managing quality of cost information in clinical costing: evidence across seven countries, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management; doi: 10.1108/JPBAFM-09-2020-0155
5. Polin K, Hjortland M, Maresso A, van Ginneken E, Busse R, Quentin W and the HSPM network (2021): Major health reforms in 31 high-income countries in 2018 and 2019: a comprehensive overview of the “top 3” national reforms in both years; Health Policy;125(7):815-832.
6. Waitzberg R, Quentin W, Webb E., Glied S. (2021) The Structure and Financing of Health Care Systems Affected How Providers Coped with COVID-19; Milbank Quarterly.
7. Waitzberg R, Gottlieb N, Quentin W, Busse R, Greenberg D. Dual Agency in Hospitals: What Strategies Do Managers and Physicians Apply to Reconcile Dilemmas Between Clinical and Economic Considerations? [published online ahead of print, 2021 Aug 15]. Int J Health Polic Manag. 2021;10.34172/ijhpm.2021.87
8. Dubas-Jakóbczyk K, Kocot E, Tambor M, Quentin W. The association between hospital financial performance and the quality of care-a scoping review protocol. Syst Rev. 2021;10(1):221. Published 2021 Aug 10. doi:10.1186/s13643-021-01778-3
9. Schmidt AE, Merkur S, Haindl A, et al. Tackling the COVID-19 pandemic: Initial responses in 2020 in selected social health insurance countries in Europe☆ [published online ahead of print, 2021 Sep 29]. Health Policy. 2021;S0168-8510(21)00244-X. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2021.09.011
10. Marchildon GP, Brammli-Greenberg S, Dayan M, De Belvis G, Gandré C, Isaksson D, Kroneman M, Neuner-Jehle S, Saunes IS, Thomas S, Vrangbæk K, Quentin W (2021): Achieving Higher Performing Primary Care through Patient Registration: A Survey of Twelve High-Income Countries; Health Policy.
11. Rombey T, Eckhardt H, Quentin W (2020): Cost-effectiveness of prehabilitation prior to elective surgery compared to usual preoperative care: Protocol for a systematic review of economic evaluations; BMJ Open;10(12):e040262.
12. Waitzberg R, Quentin W, Daniels E, Paldi Y, Busse R, Greenberg D (2020): Effects of activity-based hospital payments in Israel: a qualitative evaluation focusing on the perspectives of hospital managers and physicians, IJHPM; doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.51.
13. Dugle G, Wulifan JK, Tanyeh JP, Quentin W (2020): A critical realist synthesis of cross-disciplinary health policy and systems research: defining characteristic features, developing an evaluation framework and identifying challenges. Health Res Policy Syst; 18(1):79.
14. Taube M, Quentin W (2020): Provision of community-based mental health care, Latvia. Bull World Health Organ, doi: 10.2471/BLT.19.239913
15. Dubas-Jakóbczyk K, Albreht T, Behmane D, Bryndova L, Dimova A, Džakula A, Habicht T, Murauskiene L, Scîntee SG, Smatana M, Velkey Z, Quentin W (2020): Hospital reforms in 11 Central and Eastern European countries between 2008 and 2019: a comparative analysis. Health Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2020.02.003
16. Hsiao A, Vogt V, Quentin W (2019): Effect of corruption on perceived difficulties in healthcare access in sub-Saharan Africa. PLOS ONE 14(8): e0220583.
17. Waitzberg R, Quentin W, Daniels E, Perman V, Brammli-Greenberg S, Busse R, Greenberg D (2019): The 2010 expansion of activity-based hospital payment in Israel: an evaluation of effects at the ward level. BMC Health Services Research, doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4083-4.
18. Opoku D, Busse R, Quentin W (2019): Achieving sustainability and scale-up of mHealth interventions in sub-Saharan Africa: The views of policy-makers in Ghana; JMIR Mhealth Uhealth:7(5):e11497.
19. Baier N, Geissler A, Bech M, Bernstein D; Cowling TE, Jackson T, Rudkjøbing A, van Manen J; Quentin W (2019): Emergency and Urgent Care Systems in Australia, Denmark, England, France, Germany and the Netherlands - Analysing Organisation, Payment and Reforms, Health Policy;123(1).1-10.
20. Rice T, Quentin W, Anell A, Barnes AJ, Rosenau P, Unruh LY, van Ginneken E (2018): Revisiting out-of-pocket requirements: trends in spending, financial access barriers, and policy in ten high-income countries. BMC Health Serv Res.;18(1):371.
21. Bachner F, Bobek J, Habimana K, Ladurner J, Lepuschütz L, Ostermann H, Rainer L, Schmidt A E, Zuba M, Quentin W, Winkelmann J (2018): Austria: Health system review. Health Systems in Transition; 20(3): 1 – 256
22. Hsiao A, Hall A, Mogasale V, Quentin W (2018): The health economics of cholera: A systematic review, Vaccine; 36(30): 4404-4424.
23. Quentin W, Geissler A, Wittenbecher F, Balling G, Berenson R, Bloor K, Forgione DA, Köpf P, Kroneman M, Serden L, Suarez R, van Manen JW, Busse R (2018): Paying Specialists in Hospitals: Reform Experiences and Lessons from Eight High-Income Countries, Health Policy; 122(5):473-484.
24. Van den Heede K, Quentin W, Dubois C, Devriese S, Van de Voorde C (2017): The 2016 proposal for the reorganisation of urgent care provision in Belgium: A political struggle to co-locate primary care providers and emergency departments. Health Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2017.02.006
25. Opoku D, Stephani V, Quentin W (2017): A realist review of mobile phone-based health interventions for non-communicable disease management in sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Medicine, (15)24, doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0782-z.
26. Stephani V, Opoku D, Quentin W (2016): A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of mHealth interventions against non-communicable diseases in developing countries. BMC Public Health, (15)16:572, doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3226-3.
27. Rechel B, McKee M, Haas M, Marchildon GP, Bousquet F, Blümel M, Geissler A, van Ginneken E, Ashton T, Saunes IS, Anell A, Quentin W, Saltman R, Culler S, Barnes A, Palm W, Nolte E (2016): Public reporting on quality, waiting times and patient experience in 11 high-income countries. Health Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.02.008.
28. De Pietro C, Camenzind P, Sturny I, Crivelli L, Edwards-Garavoglia S, Spranger A, Wittenbecher F, Quentin W (2015): Switzerland: Health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 2015; 17(4):1–288.
29. Opoku D, Scott P, Quentin W (2015): Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of the Benefits and Challenges of a Teleconsultation Service in the Amansie-West District of Ghana. Telemed J E Health. 2015 May 5
30. Kristensen SR, Bech M, Quentin W (2015): A roadmap for comparing readmission policies with application to Denmark, England and the United States. Health Policy; 119(3):264-73, doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.12.009.
31. Opoku D, Scott P, Quentin W (2015): Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of the Benefits and Challenges of a Teleconsultation Service in the Amansie-West District of Ghana. Telemed J E Health; 21(9):748-55, doi: 10.1089/tmj.2014.0210.
32. Geissler A, Quentin W, Busse R (2015): Heterogeneity of European DRG systems and potentials for a common EuroDRG system Comment on "Cholecystectomy and Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs): patient classification and hospital reimbursement in 11 European countries". Int J Health Policy Manag; 4(5):319-20, doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2015.53
33. Mitenbergs U, Brigis G, Quentin W (2014): Healthcare financing reform in Latvia: Switching from social health insurance to NHS and back? Health Policy; 118(2):147-52, doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.09.013
34. Quentin W, Abosede O, Aka J, Akweongo P, Dinard K, Ezeh A, Hamed R, Kayembe KP, Mitike G, Mtei G, Te Bonle M, Sundmacher L (2014): Inequalities in child mortality in ten major African cities. BMC Medicine; 12(95):1-11, doi:10.1186/1741-7015-12-95
35. Geissler A, Quentin W, Busse R (2014): Können deutsche DRGs den Ressourcenverbrauch eines Krankenhauses sachgerecht abbilden? Eine empirische Analyse auf Grundlage von patientenbezogenen Kosten- und Leistungsdaten für 10 Krankheitsbilder. Gesundheitswesen; 76(5):284-96, doi:10.1055/s-0033-1351237
36. Hofmarcher M, Quentin W (2013): Austria: Health system review. Health Systems in Transition; 15(7): 1– 291.
37. Tan S, Chiarello P, Quentin W (2013): Knee replacement and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs): Patient Classification and Hospital Reimbursement in 11 European Countries. Journal of Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy; 21(11):2548-56, doi: 10.1007/s00167-013-2374-6.
38. Busse R, Geissler A, Aaviksoo A, Cots F, Häkkinen U, Kobel C, Mateus C, Or Z, O'Reilly J, Serdén L, Street A, Tan SS, Quentin W (2013): Diagnosis related groups in Europe: moving towards transparency, efficiency, and quality in hospitals? BMJ; 346:19-22. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f3197
39. Quentin W, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Blümel M, Geissler A, Busse R (2013): Hospital payment based on diagnosis-related groups differs in europe and holds lessons for the United States. Health Aff (Millwood);32(4):713-23. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2012.0876
40. Quentin W, Rätto H, Peltola M, Busse R, Häkkinen U (2013). Acute Myocardial Infarction and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs): Patient Classification and Hospital Reimbursement in 11 European countries. European Heart Journal; 34(26):1972-81, doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehs482.
41. Bellanger M, Quentin W, Tan S (2013). Childbirth and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs): Patient Classification and Hospital Reimbursement in 11 European Countries. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; 168(1):12-9, doi:10.1016/j.ejogrb.2012.12.027.
42. Peltola M & Quentin W (2013). Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs) for Stroke in Europe: Patient Classification and Hospital Reimbursement in 11 Countries. Cerebrovascular Diseases; 35(2):113-23, doi: 10.1159/000346092.
43. Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W, Geissler A, Busse R (2013): Breast cancer surgery and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs): Patient Classification and Hospital Reimbursement in 11 European countries. The Breast; 22(5):723-32, doi:10.1016/j.breast.2012.11.001.
44. Mitenbergs U, Taube M, Misins J, Mikitis E, Martinsons A, Rurane A, Quentin W (2012). Latvia: Health system review. Health Syst Transit; 14(8):1-191.
45. Quentin W, Terris-Prestholt F, Changalucha J, Soteli S, Edmunds J, Hutubessy R, Ross D, Kapiga S, Hayes Rand, Watson-Jones D (2012): Costs of delivering human papillomavirus vaccination to schoolgirls in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. BMC Medicine; 10:137, doi:10.1186/1741-7015-10-137.
46. Quentin W, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Geissler A, Busse R (2012): Appendectomy and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs): Patient Classification and Hospital Reimbursement in 11 European Countries. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery; 397(2):317-26, DOI 10.1007/s00423-011-0877-5.
47. Geissler A, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W (2012): Do DRGs explain variations in costs and length of stay of hip replacement? A comparative assessment of DRG systems across ten European countries. Health Econ; 21(S2):103-15, doi: 10.1002/hec.2848.
48. Geissler A, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W, Busse R (2012): DRG-Systeme in Europa: Anreize, Ziele und Unterschiede in zwölf Ländern. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz; 55(5): 633-642, doi: 10.1007/s00103-012-1473-8.
49. Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W, Busse R, and the EuroDRG group (2011): DRG-based hospital payment systems and technological innovations in 12 European countries. Value in Health, 14(8):1166-1172, 10.1016/j.jval.2011.07.001.
50. Quentin W, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Terris-Prestholt F, Legood R, Opoku B, Mayaud P (2011): Costs of cervical cancer screening and treatment using visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and cryotherapy in Ghana: the importance of scale. Trop Med Int Health, 16(3):379-89, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2010.02722.x.
51. Quentin W, Riedel-Heller SG, Luppa M, Rudolph A, König H (2010): Cost-of-illness studies of dementia: a systematic review focusing on stage dependency of costs. Acta Psychiatr Scand; 121(4):243-59, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2009.01461.x.
52. Quentin W, König HH, Schmidt JO, Kalk A (2008): Recurrent costs of HIV/AIDS-related health services in Rwanda: implications for financing. Trop Med Int Health; 13(10):1245-56, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2008.02142.x.
53. Quentin W, Neubauer S, Leidl R, König HH (2007): Advertising bans as a means of tobacco control policy: a systematic literature review of time-series analyses. Int J Public Health, 52(5), 295-307.
Books and Book Chapters
1. Quentin W, Panteli D, van Ginneken E (2021): Patient vignettes: A proof of concept to better capture access challenges in health care. In: Expert Group on Health System Performance Assessment: Improving Access to Healthcare through more Powerful Measurement Tools, European Commission, ISBN: 978-92-76-30722-8
2. Winkelmann J, Busse R, Quentin W (2020): Gesundheitssysteme weltweit: beschreiben, verstehen, verbessern. In Bonk M: Global Health, de Gruyter. ISBN: 3110445530
3. Quentin W, Busse R, Vogt V, Czihal T, Offermanns M, Grobe T, Focke K (2020): System zur Klassifikation des morbiditätsbezogenen Versorgungsbedarfs (PopGroup). In: Repschläger U, Schulte C, Osterkamp N: Gesundheitswesen aktuell 2020. BARMER Institut für Gesundheitssystemforschung (bifg), p. 78-97.
4. Van Ginneken E, Waitzberg R, Barnes A, Quentin W, Smatana M, Rice T (2020): Choosing payers: can insurance competition strengthen person-centred care? In: Nolte E, Merkur S, Anell A: Achieving Person-Centred Health Systems: Evidence, Strategies, Challenges. Cambridge University Press, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. ISBN 978 1 108 79006 2
5. Stephani V, Geissler A, Quentin W (2020): Vergütung von spezialisierten, seltenen und kostenvariablen Fällen außerhalb des DRG Systems: Erfahrungen aus Deutschland, Dänemark, England, Estland, Frankreich, und den USA. In: Klauber J, Geraedts M, Friederich J, Wasem J, Beivers A: Krankenhaus-Report 2020: Finanzierung und Vergütung am Scheideweg. Springer Open, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-662-60486-
6. Polin K, Quentin W, Stephani V, Geissler A (2019). Country report: Germany. In (Eds): Sauter W, Boertjens J, van Manen J, Mikkers M: The Law and Policy of Healthcare Financing: An international comparison of Models and Outcomes. Elgar Studies in Health and the Law, Cheltenham.
7. Busse R, Klazinga N, Panteli D, Quentin W (2019): Improving and assuring healthcare quality in Europe: characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies. WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Copenhagen.
8. Busse R, Panteli D, Quentin W (2019):An introduction to health care quality: Defining and explaining its role in health systems. In: Busse R, Klazinga N, Panteli D, Quentin W (2019): Improving and assuring healthcare quality in Europe: characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies. WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Copenhagen.
9. Panteli D, Quentin W, Busse R (2019): Understanding healthcare quality strategies - a five-lenses framework. In: Busse R, Klazinga N, Panteli D, Quentin W (2019): Improving and assuring healthcare quality in Europe: characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies. WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Copenhagen.
10. Quentin W, Partnanen VM, Brownwood I, Klazinga N (2019): Measuring health care quality. In: Busse R, Klazinga N, Panteli D, Quentin W (2019): Improving and assuring healthcare quality in Europe: characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies. WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Copenhagen.
11. Quentin W, Panteli D, Klazinga N, Busse R (2019): Assuring and improving quality of care in Europe: conclusions and recommendations. In: Busse R, Klazinga N, Panteli D, Quentin W (2019): Improving and assuring healthcare quality in Europe: characteristics, effectiveness and implementation of different strategies. WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Copenhagen.
12. Bachner F, Bobek J, Habimana K, Ladurner J, Lepuschutz L, Ostermann H, Rainer L, Schmidt A E, Zuba M, Quentin W, Winkelmann J (2019). Das österreichische Gesundheitssystem – Akteure, Daten, Analysen. WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; Copenhagen.
13. Stephani V, Crommelynck A, Durant G, Geissler A, van den Heede K, van de Voorde C, Quentin W (2018): Payment methods for hospital stays with a large variability in the care process. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). KCE Report 302. ISSN: D/2018/10.273/35.
14. Geissler A, Sherry L, Quentin W (2018): Der Einsatz von Qualitätsinformationen für Krankenhausplanung und Leistungseinkauf in Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich und der Schweiz. In: Klauber J, Geraedts M, Friederich J, Wasem J: Krankenhaus-Report 2017: Zukunft gestalten. Stuttgart, Schattauer: 53-65, ISBN: 978-3-7945-9119-0
15. Scheller-Kreinsen D, Lehmann K, Botero G, Krause F, Quentin W (2018): Sektorenübergreifende Angebotssteuerung für Vertragsärzte und Krankenhäuser. In: Klauber J, Geraedts M, Friederich J, Wasem J: Krankenhaus-Report 2017: Zukunft gestalten. Stuttgart, Schattauer: 209-229, ISBN: 978-3-7945-9119-0
16. Geissler A, Quentin W, Busse R (2017): Umgestaltung der Notfallversorgung: Internationale Erfahrungen und Potenziale für Deutschland. In: Klauber J, Geraedts M, Friederich J, Wasem J: Krankenhaus-Report 2017: Zukunft gestalten. Stuttgart, Schattauer: 41-60, ISBN: 978-3-7945-3229-2
17. Quentin W, Geissler A, Busse R (2016). Measuring and comparing health system outputs: Patient classification systems for efficiency analyses. In: Cylus J, Papanicolas I, Smith P. Health system efficiency: How to make measurement matter for policy and management. World Health Organization on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Copenhagen: 21-49.
18. Chapman C, Kern A, Laguecir A, Quentin W (2016). Management accounting and efficiency in health services: the foundational role of cost analysis. In: Cylus J, Papanicolas I, Smith P. Health system efficiency: How to make measurement matter for policy and management. World Health Organization on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Copenhagen: 75-98.
19. Geissler A, Quentin W, Busse R (2016): Ambulante Leistungen von Krankenhäusern im europäischen Vergleich. In: Klauber J, Geraedts M, Friederich J, Wasem J: Krankenhaus-Report 2016: Ambulant im Krankenhaus. Stuttgart, Schattauer: 29-42.
20. Quentin W, Baier N, Bech M, Bernstein D, Cowling T, Jackson T, van Manen J, Rudkjøbing A, Geissler A (2016): Organisation of and payment for emergency care services in selected countries. In: Van den Heede K, Dubois C, Devriese S, Baier N, Camaly O, Depuijdt E, Geissler A (eds): Organisation and payment of emergency care services in Belgium: current situation and options for reform. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). KCE Report 263. D/2016/10.273/24
21. Van den Heede K, Dubois C, Devriese S, Baier N, Camaly O, Depuijdt E, Geissler A, Ghesquiere A, Misplon S, Quentin W, Van Loon C, Van de Voorde C (2016): Organisation and payment of emergency care services in Belgium: current situation and options for reform. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). KCE Report 263. D/2016/10.273/24
22. Henke K-D, Quentin W (2015). Germany country profile of health system responses to the crisis. In: Maresso A, Mladovsky P, Thomson S, Sagan A, Karanikolos M, Richardson E, Cylus J, Evetovits T, Jowett M, Figueras J, Kluge H (eds.) Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe: Country experience. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 387-389.
23. Quentin W, Geissler A, Wittenbecher F, Busse R (2014). Remuneration of medical specialists in selected countries, in: Van de Voorde C, Van den Heede K, Obyn C, Quentin W, Geissler A, Wittenbecher F, Busse R, Magnussen J, Camaly O, Devri ese S, Gerkens S, Misplon S, Neyt M, Mertens R. Conceptual framework for the reform of the Belgian hospital payment system. Health Services Research (HSR) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2014. KCE Reports 229. D/2014/10.273/68
24. Chapman C, Kern A, Laguecir A, Angelé-Halgand N, Angert A, Campenale C, Cinquini L, Doyle G, Garrot T, Hansen A, Hartmann F, Hinz V, Mateus C, Perego P, Sikkut R, Tenucci A, Quentin W (2013): International Approaches to Clinical Costing. London: Healthcare Financial Management Association. link
25. Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (2011): Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe.
26. Geissler A, Quentin W, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Busse R (2011): Introduction to DRGs in Europe: Common objectives across different hospital systems. In: Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (eds.) Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe, 9-22.
27. Quentin W, Geissler A, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Busse R (2011): Understanding DRGs and DRG-based hospital payment in Europe. In: Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (eds.) Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe, 23-36.
28. Cots F, Chiarello P, Salvador X, Castells X, Quentin W (2011): DRG-based hospital payment: Intended and unintended consequences. In: Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (eds.) Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe, 75-92.
29. Quentin W, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Busse R (2011): Technological innovation in DRG-based hospital payment systems across Europe. In: Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (eds.) Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe, 131-148.
30. Busse R and Quentin W (2011): Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals: Conclusions and recommendations. In: Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (eds.) Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe, 149-174.
31. Geissler A, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W, Busse R (2011): Germany: Understanding G-DRGs. In: Busse R, Geissler A, Quentin W, Wiley M (eds.) Diagnosis-Related Groups in Europe: Moving towards transparency, efficiency and quality in hospitals. Buckingham: Open University Press and WHO Regional Office for Europe.
32. Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W, Geissler A, Busse R (2011): DRG-type hospital payment systems in Europe: the German G-DRG system and English Health Care Resource Groups (HRGs). In: Klusen N, Verheyen F, Wagner C (eds.) England and Germany in Europe - What Lessons Can We Learn from Each Other? Baden-Baden: Nomos, 91-110
33. Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W, Reiche C, Röttger J, Geissler A, Busse R (2011): Technologische Innovationen und DRGs: Ein Vergleich der Vergütungsinstrumente in 11 europäischen Ländern. in Klauber J, Geraedts M, Friederich J, Wasem J, Krankenhausreport 2012: Schwerpunkt Rationalität, Stuttgart: Schattauer, 259-272.
34. Quentin W, Riedel-Heller SG, Luppa M, Leicht H, König H (2011): Cost of Illness Studies and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia. In: McNamara (ed.): Dementia (Vol 1): History and Incidence, Santa Barbara: Praeger, 25-56.
1. Quentin W, Albreht T, Bezzina A, Bryndova L, Dimova A, Gerkens S, Kowalska-Bobko I, Mantwill S, Or Z, Rajan S, Theodorou M, Tynkkynen L, Waitzber R, Winkelmann J (2020): Adjusting hospital inpatient payment systems for COVID-19. Eurohealth;26(2).
2. Waitzberg R, Aissat D, Habicht T, Hernandez-Quevedo C, Karanikolos M, Kroneman M, Merkur S, Quentin W... & van Ginneken E (2020). Compensating healthcare professionals for income losses and extra expenses. Eurohealth;26(2).
3. Hernandez-Quevedo C, Maresso A, Merkur S, Quentin W, Richardson E, Spranger A, van Ginneken E (2018): 20 Years of Health System Reforms in Europe: What’s New? Eurohealth; 24(2):23-27.
4. Schmidt AE, Bachner F, Rainer L, Zuba M, Bobek J, Lepuschütz L, Ostermann H, Winkelmann J, Quentin W (2018). Ambulatory care on the rise? Lessons from the Austrian health care reforms. Eurohealth;23(4).
5. Quentin W, Busse R (2018): The strongly decentralized Swiss health system achieves good results: Past research has addressed persisting challenges – but more is encouraged, Health Policy;122:565-567
6. Blümel M, Quentin W (2017): Germany: Country Health Profile 2017, OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264283398-en; ISSN: 2522-7041 (online).
7. Scheller-Kreinsen D, Lehmann K, Quentin W, Kaiser P, Haun O (2017): Ambulant-stationäre Grenze: Endlich Aufräumen!, f&w:8(17): 718-721, https://www.bibliomedmanager.de/zeitschriften/fw/heftarchiv/ausgabe/artikel/fw-8-2017-hygiene/32826-endlich-aufraeumen/
8. Struckmann V, Quentin W, Busse R, van Ginneken E (2017): How to strengthen financing mechanisms to promote care for people with multimorbidity in Europe? European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Policy Brief 24, ISSN 1997-8073, www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/337587/PB_24.pdf
9. Quentin W, Panteli D, Maresso A, van Ginneken E (2016): Purchasing and payment review. World Health Organization (acting as the host organization for, and secretariat of, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies), Copenhagen, http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/336393/Purchasing-and-Payment-Review-review-Slovenia.pdf?ua=1
10. Quentin W, Baier N, Geissler A (2016): Organisation of and payment for emergency care services in five high-income countries. European Journal of Public Health, 26(suppl_1), doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckw167.067
11. Quentin W, Wittenbecher F, Spranger A, Crivelli L, Sturny I, Camenzind P, De Pietry C (2015): Hospital Reforms in Switzerland. Eurohealth; 21(4): 30-33.
12. de Pietro C, Camenzind P, Sturny I, Crivelli L, Edwards-Garavoglia S, Spranger A, Wittenbeche F, Quentin W (2015)The performance of the Swiss health system: good results but high costs. European Journal of Public Health, 25 (suppl_3), doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckv174.080
13. Quentin W, Geissler A, Busse R (2015): Payment Systems for Hospital Specialists in 10 High-Income Countries. European Journal of Public Health, 25 (suppl_3), doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckv172.110
14. Quentin W, Cylus J, Geissler A, Maresso A, Merkur S, Pastorino G, Sagan A (2014): Provision of health services: Trends and patterns in Europe. European Journal of Public Health, doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cku162.087
15. Van de Voorde C, Van den Heede K, Obyn C, Quentin W, Geissler A, Wittenbecher F, Busse R, Magnussen J, Camaly O, Devri ese S, Gerkens S, Misplon S, Neyt M, Mertens R. Conceptual framework for the reform of the Belgian hospital payment system. Health Services Research (HSR) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2014. KCE Reports 229. D/2014/10.273/68
16. Struckmann V, Snoeijs S, Melchiorre GM, Hujala A, Rijken M, Quentin W, van Ginneken E (2014): Caring for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe. Eurohealth; 20(3): 35-40
17. Hofmarcher M, Quentin W, van Ginneken E (2013): Governed coordination in the Austrian health system: a remedy for fragmentation? Eurohealth Vol 19(3): 36-40.
18. Geissler A, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Quentin W (2012): Lexikon Gesundheitsökonomie: Diagnosis-related groups. Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement 17(1): 13-14
19. Quentin W, Geissler A, Scheller-Kreinsen D, Busse R (2010): DRG-type hospital payment in Germany: The G-DRG system. Euro Observer Vol. 12, No 3: 4-7. http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/121743/EuroObserver_Autumn2010.pdf
20. Geissler A, Quentin W (2010): Prospective payment for inpatient psychiatric care. Health Policy Monitor, April 2010. http://www.hpm.org/survey/de/a15/3
21. Quentin W, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Terris-Prestholt F, Legood R, Opoku B, Mayaud P (2010): Costs of cervical cancer screening in Ghana. Research Briefing of the Program for Research & Capacity Building in Sexual & Reproductive Health & HIV in Developing Countries (SRH & HIV) and Department for International Development (DFID), January 2010. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/ReproHealthHIV_RPC/srhhiv-researchbriefing2-cervicalcancerscreening.pdf
22. Neubauer S., Steinle S., Quentin W., Röllich B., König H.H., Leidl R. (2004). Wirtschaftliche und gesundheitliche Aspekte des Zigarettenrauchens in Deutschland und Folgen einer Tabakkontrollpolitik. Eine Expertise im Auftrag des Gesundheitsministeriums.
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