Dr Patrick Amoateng is currently the Head of Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, University of Ghana. He is a practicing Pharmacist and holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy and a PhD (Pharmacology).
Dr Amoateng has won several grants from both local and international funding agencies. He has also received several Post-Doctoral Fellowships including the CV Raman Postdoctoral Fellowship for African Scientist (India, 2013), International Brain Research Organization Fellowship (University of Warwick, UK, 2017) and Building Africa’s Next Generation of Academic (BANGA) with support from the Carnegie Corporations (University of Oxford, UK 2018), amongst others.
Dr Amoateng is the President, of the Society for Neuroscientists of Africa (SONA), a Governing Board Member of the Society for Neuroscientists of Africa, a Governing Council Member of the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO), the Executive Secretary (President) of the Western Africa Network of Natural Product Research Scientists (WANNPRES), the second Ghanaian after the late Professor Marian Ewurama Addy to hold this highest office of the 16 year old organization. He is the President of Ghana Neuroscience Society, and a Member of the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN), and a member of several other local and international Societies and Organizations.
Dr Amoateng is an Associate Editor of the international scientific journal; BMC Complementary Medicine & Therapies. Since 2011, he has reviewed several journals and publications including the Ghana Medical Journal, Journal of Pain Research, Journal of Experimental Pharmacology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, and many others.
He is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Ghana College of Pharmacists, an Adjunct Lecturer at the Ghana College of Physicians & Surgeons, and a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Ghana. He has also been a visiting Professor to institutions in India and Denmark.
Dr Amoateng has supervised/examined and continues to mentor/supervise several Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Graduate Thesis. He has also done and continues to do similar for several Undergraduate student projects.
He is currently the lead investigator for a Zebrafish project which is expected to become a paradigm changer in drug discovery efforts in Africa. He has authored over 40 journal publications in peer-reviewed Journals, two books and an editorial in the journal Nature.
He has been a consultant for the Food & Drugs Authority (FDA) Ghana, and has been engaged by other private entities in similar capacities. His current research focus is on Neuropharmacology (with emphasis on epilepsy, pain, psychosis, depression and anxiety), Ethnopharmacology and Toxicology.
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