Dr. Ashiagbor is a Senior Specialist (Urology) at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Ridge, Accra – Ghana. He has remarkable competence and expertise at managing both elective and emergency urological conditions with special interest in Endourology and Minimally Invasive Surgeries.
He has worked in different positions and varied locations including urban and rural areas. He is member of the Ghana Medical Association (GMA) and also a member of the Ghana Association of Urological Surgeons (GAUS). He has several Research and Publications including:
1. Association between change in Prostate Specific Antigen level, the weight and histology of the enucleated prostate in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (dissertation presented to WACS)
2. Day of Surgery Cancellation in Urology at a Public Tertiary Hospital and a Private Specialist Hospital. Open Journal of Urology, 7, 22-29. doi: 10.4236/oju.2017.71004.
3. Forgotten Ureteral Stents in a Tertiary Hospital in Accra and a Review of Endourological Management of Upper Urinary Tract Pathologies in the West Africa Sub-Region. Open Journal of Urology, 6, 102-108. doi: 10.4236/oju.2016.66018.
Understanding the Urological Needs and Improving the Quality of Life of Patients with BPH |